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A word on teabagging (NSFW)   2 comments

Posted at 1:50 pm in rivercityvibe

This is decidedly not a political blog. Though I feel I should point out and mock hypocrisy, sinister manipulation and mass stupidity wherever I find it, I am going to refrain, this time. I am going to limit myself to simply highlighting the funny aspects of the right wing Teabagging Protests taking place today.


For foreign readers, the Republican Party (or elements within it), which is in marginalized opposition in the USA, has called for a day of action to protest the disgrace that is the budget deficit (which I have commented on before). The deficit is so large it defies comprehension and it is growing.  The “action” consists of popular meetings called Tea Parties (a la Boston Tea Party). Activists have also begun sending teabags to members of congress. The media have seized on this and “teabagging” has entered the political lexicon.

Now, I am sure it won’t have escaped the more worldly of you that “teabagging” already had an alternative meaning. Put frankly, it refers to the sex act in which a man (it has to be a man) gets a sexual partner to suck his ball sack by dangling it in said partner’s mouth – an action thought to resemble dangling a teabag in a cup.

At this stage, I remind you of Bones Rule #1.

Needless to say, in expressions of puerile humor never before seen on US TV, the liberal media have seized on this and are practically wetting themselves to see who can refer to teabagging in the most ambiguous way, to greatest comic effect.

We have a winner. Rachel Maddow and Ana Marie Cox were not even close. David Schuster ran away with it (look at the scrotum-like teabags picture behind him):

Genuinely the funniest piece of satire I have seen for a long time.

God bless America!