Florida sorority suspended for same-sex awesomeness!  

Posted at 3:30 pm in rivercityvibe

Okay, the headline might be a little misleading with reference to the suspension of University of Florida sorority, Sigma Lambda Gamma. It turns out that girls “experimenting” with their budding sexuality in elaborate hazing rituals had nothing to do with the suspension and may not have actually taken place at all, apart from in my mind.

What did happen was equally shocking, though.

Oh. No it wasn’t. It was utterly lame.

It appears that the girls had drawn up a list of 37 things that pledges were forbidden to do, including “using elevators”, and “taking shortcuts across the grass”. If that’s hazing then my entire childhood was one long haze. I wonder if the other rules included having to eat small portions of carrots weekly and wearing sunscreen. Also looking both ways when crossing a road.

Those poor girls…….

Written by Joe Bones on April 2nd, 2009

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3 Responses to 'Florida sorority suspended for same-sex awesomeness!'

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  1. Joe Bones, I agree 100%. This organization is ridiculously productive nationally and for a university to suspend them for things that are actually healthy is absurd. I guess healthy hazing gets penalized but drinking and making pledges wear diapers is better.

  2. Absolutely Jesus! I have since discovered that they made them jog and do push-ups too (again, like my childhood) – but that makes perfect sense. You’ve got to weed out the ones who are going to balloon in their sophomore year. You don’t want any fatties messing with the hot sapphic vibe!

    Joe Bones

    2 Apr 09 at 6:22 pm

  3. What no one really knows is what the girls are put through. Yes, part of the process involves physical activity but it also involves the girls having to smack themselves in the face. They do say THEY do not hit their pledges, but the pledges have to hit themselves or eachother.


    25 Mar 11 at 2:38 pm

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