Saying it like it is…..  

Posted at 4:02 pm in rivercityvibe

It is a staple of the crime and punishment debate that prison holds no fear for some, negating its supposed deterrent effect. I am sure that you, like me, welcome the efforts of a criminal court judge in Australia to rectify this and increase the fear factor of a custodial sentence among young people. In issuing a formal warning to a young, persistent offender, Reuters reports that Magistrate Brian Maloney said,

“You’ll find big, ugly, hairy strong men (in jail) who’ve got faces only a mother could love that will pay a lot of attention to you — and your anatomy,”

and that breaching any of the conditions set for the teenagers release would see him,

“showering with the gorillas in the mist down at Long Bay jail.”

He's going to get him some......

He's goin' to get him some......

It gives you faith, doesn’t it? I have never been to Australia but on the strength of this, I’d like to. Apparently it is not anything like you’ve been led to expect through Crocodile Dundee movies. One of my buddies came back and described it as:

“Surprisingly as you’d imagine 1940’s Britain…..”

Written by Joe Bones on January 6th, 2009

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