Archive for the ‘rivercityvibe’ Category

Not your typical AARP member……   1 comment

Posted at 8:12 am in rivercityvibe

My assets in Hollywood inform me that the internet rumors are correct and Lisa Rinna, the hot-older woman who featured as Johnny Drama’s obsession in an episode of Entourage, is indeed to appear nude in Playboy. It seems people are outraged (everyone is always outraged, about everything) because she is 50* years old and a mother of two.

(that’s sexist as well as ageist, by the way. Haters.)

I am not going to offer an opinion on this development, I am simply going to publish a couple of pics and let the rivercityvibe faithful decide for themselves. Democracy, see?

nice grotto

nice grotto

Pic taken in the Land of Oz, evidently. Lollipop Guild on stand-by.

Pic taken in the Land of Oz, evidently. Lollipop Guild on stand-by.

Apparently, Ms. Rinna was also in a show called “Melrose Place” and another with the even more unlikely name of “Days of our Lives“.

*Actually 45, but that would have RUINED the headline…..

Written by Joe Bones on December 23rd, 2008

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You’re my number 1……   no comments

Posted at 2:33 pm in rivercityvibe

As we slide into the holiday period, it is time to thank the rivercityvibe faithful and share, as a sort of gift, something pretty special. That ‘something’ is Goldfrapp, whose lead singer is reputed to be one of the biggest bitches in the industry, but whose lyrics to one of their most popular songs sum up my feelings about rivercityvibe readers: You’re my Number 1.*

Walk out into velvet
Nothing more to say
You’re my favourite moment
You’re my Saturday

Cos you’re my Number 1
I’m like a dog to get you
I want it up and on
I’m like a dog to get you

Sunset only seconds
Just ripe then it’s gone
Got no new intentions
Just right then it’s gone

Cos you’re my Number 1
I’m like a dog to get you
I want it up and on
I’m like a dog to get you

I’ll be there to meet you
Getting down to greet you
Howl under the moon

* Not meant in the same sense as you would mean it when asking a child “Do you need a number one or a number two?” when they start squirming……..

Written by Joe Bones on December 22nd, 2008

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Something for the Weekend #11   no comments

Posted at 1:02 pm in rivercityvibe

Okay, this is the lovely Giselle Bundchen. Yes, that’s right, another boxhead. In future, I will make a point of mentioning a featured lovely’s nationality only in the unlikely event of them NOT being German or of German ancestry.



(Before I get any dreary emails, I know she is Brazilian. That does not, however, mean she can’t be German too. A surprising number of “Brazilians” with blonde hair and martial bearing mysteriously materialized after WWII. Have you not read The Boys from Brazil?)

Written by Joe Bones on December 20th, 2008

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Holiday shopping hints….   no comments

Posted at 7:38 am in rivercityvibe

This is an unusual year for me, when it comes to holiday gift shopping. The basics are all sorted – both of my brothers are getting gold-plated Sig-Sauers (and 2000 rounds of custom-made ammunition); mother and father are getting some thousand year-old  Cambodian jade; my personal assistant has already received a crate of absinthe, and my best buddy has a headhunter’s blowpipe and two shrunken heads en route to him by hand of messenger. You would think with those bases covered, I’d be all set, but those of you who have been paying attention know that I have an extra someone to buy for who can’t be fobbed off with a Victoria’s Secret gift certificate.

I am talking about the new Bones in da house.

As a three week old, one would think she’d be difficult to buy for. On the contrary. I have come up with c a couple of cracking gifts which I think she will love. One is serious and sort of commemorative, the other is fun. Both of which, she will have to grow into, but that goes for EVERYTHING in her life, so no biggie.

Gift # 1

Engraved Josephine Bones

This Vintage Cocktail Shaker is available from FM Allen and is the sort of gift she will love when she is 21 years old and just graduating Princeton. It is engraved with her full name, Josephine Cataclysm Bones, and is supremely functional as well as being easy on the eyes. I can also pass it off as a piece of christening silver, if I get any questions from relatives as to the suitability of such a gift for an infant. Suckers!

Gift # 2

The best toy ever?

The best toy ever?

This, for those introverts who are unaware, is Lego’s Death Star. It is massive, awesome (you get a Lego Darth Vader TIE fighter with it….!) and were my three week old daughter a seven year old boy, would be perfect. I am getting it anyway. For me. That’s how awesome it is.

Written by Joe Bones on December 20th, 2008

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Funny…..   no comments

Posted at 6:15 am in rivercityvibe

You’ll be aware of the battle in California between the “gay community” and “the man”. It’s something to do with same-sex marriage and is, by turns depressing and hilarious. I saw this very funny placard on TV just a moment ago, and found it on flickr. It will make you laugh, too, I expect……

That's good material.......

That's good material

Check out the sign bottom left – Chickens 1 Gays 0, referring to Prop 2 to do with animal cruelty (which passed) versus Prop 8 concerning same-sex marriage (which didn’t pass). Funny.

I have posts stacked up here like 737s over Hartsfield Airport, right now, including some advice on how to shop for infants and a much anticipated Something for the Weekend. Stay with us, and we’ll be right back after the break……

Written by Joe Bones on December 20th, 2008

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I’d still tap dat…….   no comments

Posted at 4:54 pm in rivercityvibe

There has been a lot of discussion on the so-called internet concerning Pamela Anderson’s appearance, on a recent German (there it is again….) TV show. Particularly the appearance of her ass. I have to say, for the record, that these pictures make me love her 42 year old self even more:

She's still got it.......

She's still got it.....

Seriously, don't be a hater.....

Seriously, don't be a hater.....

I am fine with all this. Fun fact: Pamela’s middle name is Denise.

Okay, not fun, but a fact nevertheless.

Written by Joe Bones on December 18th, 2008

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The art of the “Harsh One”   no comments

Posted at 10:27 am in rivercityvibe

I am sure many of you (especially those who spent time in fraternities and sororities [or, like me, both]) understand the comedy value of cruel humor. In my youth, my friends and I elevated this to an artform using a gambit known as ‘the harsh one’.

With ‘harsh ones” there are no rules. Everything is in play. To take an extreme example, one of my college buddies had a tragedy in the family. His Grandmother, to whom he was especially close, died unexpectedly. He was distraught, we rallied round, sent him on his way home. He took two weeks off for the funeral and to tend to family matters. Upon his return, he was greeted by his BEST FRIEND IN THE WORLD with the words “Hi, Dead-Gran! How’s it going?” The rules of the game allowed only a single response, “Ouch. Harsh One”.

(You have to be REALLY good friends to play the game at this level).

The following video, from College Humor shows a more sophisticated take on ‘the harsh one’. Enjoy the UTTER misery of the stand-up comic when he realizes nobody finds him funny……..

See more funny videos and funny pictures at CollegeHumor.

I love that the “industry people” line gets the biggest laugh….

Written by Joe Bones on December 17th, 2008

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Way to go, Secret Service…….   no comments

Posted at 3:37 pm in rivercityvibe

I remember the movie The Bodyguard starring Whitney Houston (in her pre-crack and valium days) making it PRETTY darn clear that close-protection agents were expected to interpose their bodies between an assailant and the individual they were protecting. This was commonly interpreted to mean that bodyguards should be ready to “take a bullet” to protect their charges.

I think recent events in Baghdad have busted that myth RIGHT OPEN. The fatties on President Bush’s security detail weren’t even prepared to take a SHOE, full on, let alone a bullet.

I’ve done some math.

The muzzle velocity of a standard handgun using 9×19 Parabellum ammunition propels a bullet at between 1000 and 1300 feet per second. The average tired and angry Iraqi journalist propels his shoes at about 12 feet per second. He also has to reload by bending over and picking up the other one (provided of course that he has “made ready” by undoing his shoelaces…….). If the Secret Service can’t even react competently within this sort of time frame,  how will they handle a gunman?

Check out this UTTERLY PATHETIC response to the biggest personal security threat of the Bush Presidency:

See those guys coming in through the backdoor, wiping donut crumbs from their mouths? Elite close protection agents…….

Written by Joe Bones on December 15th, 2008

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Something for the Weekend # 10   no comments

Posted at 1:38 pm in rivercityvibe

50’s pin-up girl Bettie Page threw a seven, today, aged 85. She was smoking, there’s no doubt, so this isn’t a memorial post, it’s a celebration.

Giving Saint Peter palpitations at the gates of heaven......

Giving Saint Peter palpitations at the gates of heaven......

Written by Joe Bones on December 12th, 2008

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Hef’s in Jax…….   no comments

Posted at 9:15 am in rivercityvibe

The best thing ever has happened. The Playboy team are in Jacksonville looking to recruit lovely ladies for Hef’s use, in the magazine and in the mansion. They are hoping to find another Laura Croft (made-up name), Jacksonville’s famous playmate and this year’s Miss July.

Hef's the one at the front......

Hef's the one at the front in red and purple.....

I had an asset at the castings, obviously (I was in Atlanta sorting out the weather, so was not able to attend in person). She reported that the standard was mixed, though skewed toward the hot. She said there were a lot of obvious strippers and some were HAGGARD.

The awesome Randy Lefko, took some brilliant pictures for the local rag, have a look at them and make your own minds up…….

Written by Joe Bones on December 12th, 2008

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