Archive for the ‘Storm Troopers’ tag

Is DragonCon just for geeks?   no comments

Posted at 10:53 am in rivercityvibe

Errrr…. yes. Categorically.

I attended Dragon*Con again, having sworn I never would. In my own  geeky way, I had hopes of recapturing my number one position on The Google for “Ladies of DragonCon”. My experience was pretty much the same as last year. It’s like every hero and heroine of literature and film has stopped going to the gym, taken up donuts, and come to Atlanta.

It was actually pretty entertaining, providing you stayed well lubricated throughout (Peachtree Ale and Jaegermeister). There were some VERY naughty little minxes  wandering around dressed in pelts and the like, flaunting bodies that screamed defiance of the gym/donut rule. We shall be discussing them in another post shortly. In some detail.

And there were about a million of those white guys from Star Wars. Jedi’s or whatnot.

CIMG0013 (2)

I arranged that picture. Brilliant, non? As a taster, there were lots of ladies dressed similar to this:


I didn’t get it, but it cheered me up. Watch this space for more ladies of DragonCon.

Nanu nanu, Earthlets.