A key lifestyle optimization skill……  

Posted at 11:43 am in Lifestyle Optimization Skills

I saw an immaculately dressed lady walking down the road at Atlantic Beach this morning. I noticed  she was carrying an awesome purse in the messenger bag-style. I have trained myself to notice these kinds of details, believing this to be one of the best lifestyle optimization skills going. Noticing details about people allows you to converse knowledgeably with them on subjects that interest them and make them happy. In the case of clothes and accessories it further allows you to keep mental notes of options for future gifts that might help you manage those sticky-situations with our womenfolk that we all (let’s face it) find ourselves in from time to time. I am also good at haircuts and boob jobs. Noticing them I mean…..

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I inquired politely about the purse. The lady’s face lit up and I basked in her happiness. I felt great. She enthusiastically explained that it was the Gucci Sand Python. Unfortunately, it has to be pre-ordered, so it’s of limited use for getting you out of the shit in quick-time. You could always order one in advance, I suppose (a just-in-case option that I would not discount if you’re feeling especially mischievous). Good to know, anyway.

You can order it HERE.

Written by Joe Bones on April 9th, 2009

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3 Responses to 'A key lifestyle optimization skill……'

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  1. Out of interest Mr Bones…how many bags per Sand Python?


    9 Apr 09 at 12:14 pm

  2. damn. almost makes me wish i used purses. well, used them when not in drag.

    (formerly) Big Bob

    10 Apr 09 at 12:37 am

  3. I fought a fully grown male Arabian Sand Python to a standstill one night on my way home from the pictures (Back to the Future 3). The trick is this…ignore the sand, it’s a distraction, and concentrate on tying the perfect reef knot. Do I win $5?


    21 Apr 09 at 10:41 am

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